High Tech material makes the Ringblack ring one of the lightest and most durable jewelry in the world.
No one else will have the same black ring as you! Every piece is handmade in the Czech Republic.
We'll prepare your ring literally overnight. Choose from more than 50 models.
Sending and exchange of the ring is up to us. Order your carbon ring from the comfort of your home.
The man will appreciate the durability and simplicity, the woman the minimalist design and originality of the black ring.
Choose a black ring you can't buy anywhere else in the world.
Be cool at the altar.
Black earrings you can't buy anywhere else in the world.
Sharp edges, sharp rims. Design pieces are (not) for everyone!
We're proud to have you wear our black ring. Check out the carbon jewellery gallery.
Carbon rings you can't buy anywhere else in the world. How did this all come about?
No rocket science. We have a few tips for you.
The questions often asked here.
...an original, black carbon ring that you will love!
Do you like our original work? Support our efforts with a good coffee to give us a boost.